Almost There - A Life Changing Move is Just Around the Corner

OMG Mobile Massage Therapist in Playa Flamenca, Orihuela Costa, Alicante!!! That's exactly what I am going to be in just 4 more weeks time. I am giving up my very well paid job as a Service Manager, working in homelessness for what initially will be absolutely no guarantees of any income whatsoever, ahhhh!!! Either the bravest or the most stupid decision I have ever made, although I suppose even if it turns out to be stupid, it is still brave, especially at my age.
It has been a scary, but very exciting time since last July when the thought popped into my head in a moment of madness. From that thought sat in the pub in Spain, I came home and started plotting my dream out in the form of a mind map, writing down all possibilities and how I could make them work. Ideas were run past the people whose opinion I value the most in both England and Spain, advise was taken and the work began.
7mths later and my skills and knowledge have been updated and added too, a range of products have been bought, my social media sites and website has been developed, as well as other marketing tools, including business cards, gift certificates, loyalty cards, vest tops and the leaflets are almost ready for print. Client paperwork has been designed and prepared and the legalities are a work in progress.

I've been nesting preparing for my move and the furniture and womanly touches are being taken over to my home next week all ready for when I get there and can settle in.
A friend from Spain is flying over to accompany me and keep me calm on the nerve wracking long car journey from Manchester to Playa Flamenca via a Euro Tunnel trip and a drive through France, before arriving to start the dream a couple of days later.
If this fails it most certainly won't be through a lack of effort on my part; I intend to work exceptionally hard to make this work and I can only hope the locals of the area will give me a chance to shine.
Well there is nothing much left for me to do now except wait for the next 4 weeks to pass by, so for now let the leaving dos begin!!!